{audio autostart}young_rumble-smash em{/audio}
Artist: Young Rumble
Production: Young Rumble

Release Date:
Label: Unsigned
Hometown: Fairbanks, Alaska
Bio/Notes: It all started at age 12. Young Rumble started with basic nursury rhymes like cat, bat etc. He just did it for fun and every once in a while. He grew up listening to T-bone and was greatly influenced by him, but Young Rumble was also listening to secular artists that influenced him. Ages 12 through 17 Young Rumble was writing secular and christian rap every once in a while. He didn’t have much discipleship through the times so some of his songs were dirty. At age 18 he went to “youth with a mission” (ywam) in Australia and received discipleship there and started writing for Christ with his friends for fun. They would get beats from soundclick, put it in garageband and rap about things they had been learning. After the discipleship school was over Young Rumble went back to his home in Alaska and started to get more serious about using hip hop for ministry. He wants to make a “rumble” in peoples lives with the music for the purpose of God. He is currently unsigned.