Reigns 4 Life {audio}wundafam-reigns4life{/audio} Reigns 4 Life (Remix) {audio}wundafam-reigns4liferemix{/audio} |
Artist: Wunda Fam Featured: Production: Album: Release Date: Label: Yahshua Hometown: Norfolk, VA Website: https://www.myspace.com/wundas Bio/Notes: Christian raps WUNDA FAM is a three member group that gets its inspiration from the word of God and from the need of the streets. Performing together for four years, they have taken their message on the road including stops in Washington, Baltimore, and Charlottesville VA., just to name a few places. The group has opened for The Cross Movement, Corey Red and Precise, Da Truth, Ritchie Righteous, and many others. The groups name W.U.N.D.A F.A.M stands for Whenever Ur. N Doubt. Always Follow After the Master. |