Urban Youth Workers Institute (UYWI) is a national non-profit organization that trains & resources urban youth workers to effectively evangelize and disciple youth. For over 15 years UYWI has been holding the premier urban youth worker conference in the nation. Our conference includes a unique brand of PRACTICAL and INNOVATIVE training that will energize you like none other. Our lineup of speakers, trainers and artists understand the urban context because most have lived it. At our conference you will be CONNECTED with an army of over 1,500 urban youth workers from similar backgrounds, experiences and challenges.  This national conference will be held on the Azusa Pacific Campus in Azusa, California May 19-21.

This year UYWI’s National Conference will include a Creative Arts Festival in the evenings. The festival will feature urban artists who are using their talents to glorify God and reach this next generation through different artistic mediums including music, dance, art and cinema. UYWI will welcome special guests to the festival such as San Francisco graffiti artist Cameron “Camer1” Moberg, winner of Oxygen Network’s 2015 show Street Art Throwdown, Global photographer Ryan Longnecker, Cinematographer Artie Delgado of Brink Films and recording artists Christon Grey, Angie Rose and more. The festival will also host a B-Boy Battle, DJ Battle, Graffiti Battle, an art walk displaying works from youth workers and other urban artists and screenings of film shorts, videos and documentaries. The theme of the festival is DisruptTheDarkness and is based on Gen 1:3 “And God said “let there be light,” and the light disrupted the darkness.” The entire conference, including the festival, will be broadcast live via video livestreaming at jamthehype.tv

CALLING ALL ARTISTS!  If you are an artist using your talents to spread the Gospel and would like to be part of this festival, we want to hear from you! Visit our conference website to submit your request and reserve your spot in the festival. https://conf.uywi.org/festival


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