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Artist: U-Neek Featured: Gospel Diva Davis Production: T-Dogg Productions Album: The Purpose of Life Purchase: Everywhere Release Date: April 2010 Label: Indie Hometown: Hampton, VA Website: www.myspace.com/uneektherapper Bio/Notes: Steve Foster aka U-Neek is a southern Virginia native. Back in 1994 as a teenager, he gave his life to the Lord but throughout high school struggled with peer pressure and depression. His stressful teenage years lead him to do some soul searching as a young man, so he rekindled his relationship with God in the year of 2000. U-Neek was so on fire for God that he became inspired to write literature to expound on the word of God. One of his studies, “A Call to Spiritual Circumcision”, was published by Bethesda Publications in May of 2002. This tool along with many other streams opened up doors for U-Neek and his wife, Kiki, to minister along the east and gulf coast as evangelists. In 2005, U-Neek released another book, “Developing the Heart of A God Pleaser”, which catapulted him to become an unorthodox evangelist using motivational speaking and life coaching within his preaching. U-Neek combines the elements of theology and psychology to convey the message of Jesus Christ. His latest book, “Who Am I and What is My Purpose” (scheduled to be release summer 2010), motivated him to record his debut album, The Purpose of Life, where for years, he has desired to share his heart through music. Now as an author and a hip hop artist, U-Neek brings a different feel to the music industry collaborating the gospel of Jesus Christ, everyday struggles and life coaching within his rhymes. The album, The Purpose of Life, paints the picture of how significant life is not just to us but to our creator, God. The album demonstrates the need for us to be in tune with our savior Jesus Christ in order that we may know our true purpose in life. U-Neek has collaborated this album with artists such as Pettidee, Octavia Harris, Renaissance from Armageddon, Rashard Small, Verb 31 (his wife), Boy Gospel and Gospel Diva Davis. The first single, “I Am U-Neek” stresses the need for us to press pass peer pressure and explore the individuality that God has placed in us. Since Jesus Christ was a unique individual, we to should bring uniqueness to the table for God’s glory. This uniqueness is the beginning of finding our tailored made purpose. Though we all are created to worship God, he still has a specific assignment for each of us. |