Trustn has been writing and producing music for 6 years. He has had over 2.3 million Spotify streams in 3 years that also includes multiple features with different artists. During the interview he said “I grew up listening to different types of music, one day I was in the car with some friends of mine and I heard hip-hop for the first time, I started writing and freestyling to music, and realized that this was something that I was passionate about.” The new song that is being released is called “Off my Mind” this song is featuring Xay Hill. This song is about how God made an individual plan for each of us and that we should not be defined by the labels that society tries to put us under. It so easy to get caught up in what people think you are instead of being who you are. It talks about the importance of being a Christian but not labeling yourself as just a Christian artist. You can catch Trustn’s new song “Off my mind” which was released Friday, March 29th on all platforms.

Follow Trustn on social media as @iamtrustn