SECOND has teamed up with The Forgotten People–a non-profit organization whose mission is to bring the hope of Jesus to the marginalized and oppressed. Since The Forgotten People’s inception, which was 8 months ago, they have been seeking to focus on Houston’s homeless community as well as particular people groups in the mountains of Guatemala. They have already built three churches for believers in the mountains of Guatemala and now sponsor two desperately needy families to live in homes. In Houston, they weekly tend to a homeless gentleman named Michael. They began selling the bracelets that Michael makes at all of their events and providing him with all the money made for these bracelets as a way of blessing Michael and raising awareness of their ministry. The Forgotten People also plans to begin working in South Africa this May. You can find more information about their ministry and how to get involved by going to
This new song was birthed out of a desire to give a voice to the voiceless and to help The Forgotten People by raising awareness of their ministry. We will also be blessing them financially by donating all of the proceeds for this single to their non-profit organization. Our prayer is that this song would cause the hope of Christ to shine bright on the faces of those who feel forgotten and that it would hopefully be a tool used by God to get people involved with The Forgotten People in any way they can.
Download this song today on Itunes or Amazon: All funds goes to The Forgotten People ministry:
Twitter: @Fight4Forgotten, @ArchieisSecond, @IamWretch