Scott Free from has a message for chh, giving a hard hitting message at Flavorfest that everyone in the Christian urban arts needs to hear. Scott urges us to “Rise Above the Culture” instead of emulating it. He breaks this message into three concepts:

1. Rise Above Our Egos

Are you really pursuing a stage because you want to be seen and heard? How much are you concerned about what people think about you? Are you just doing what the world does and calling it ministry? You need to be bearing fruit. This is evident in salvations, healing, lives changed, needs met, and more. Don’t see your music as just music. Your ministry can be so much more.

Also, are you concerned with what other people are doing? Are you reaching needs in your own city? You are to be light where you are now, not thinking that you will be reaching more people if you just go to another city. Are you building unity by doing things with other ministries and other artists? How can you reach the world, when you can’t even work together?

2. Rise Above Our Needs

If you take care of God’s people, God will take care of you. Will you only do something or show up if your needs are met? Phillipians 4:19 God has not made you to emulate Lecrae. God has called you to be you. He has also called you to work with others to serve Him. And you need to work together as one.

3. Rise Above The Way We Think

Ministry is about people. It’s not about a stage, or your music, or a program to follow. The Kingdom of God is above our thinking and is opposite of our earthly mindset. In order to rise up, “we gotta go low.”