Artist: Pro Featured: Production: Marv4mobeats Album: Redemption Purchase: everywhere, itunes Release Date: July 13th Label: Reflection Music Group Hometown: Pontiac Michigan Website: www.reflectionmusicgroup.com Bio/Notes:
Fo-cus [foh-kuh s]
–noun 1. a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity.
We all have focus. We all have something that determines our navigation through this maze we call life. The question is where is your focus?
When asked this question, Pro responds with a one word answer… “Christ.” “If I focus on anything other than that I lose.” he elaborates. “The idea is to be like the racehorse. Many racehorse trainers believer that blinders keep the horse focused on what is in front of him, encouraging him to pay attention to the race rather than other distractions. So believe I got my blinders on!”
Born in Pontiac Michigan and raised in Middle Tennessee, Pro has been exposed to many things that have crafted his music immensely. Unfortunately, Pro shares the same story of many urban youth today. He was raised in a single parent household by his mother, with no real father figure, and surrounded by a culture that preaches arrogance boldly. But rather than focus on the negative, Pro emphasizes the fact that through the blood of Christ, anyone can be free!