
Beloved, please do not mistake the spirit of protest and rebellion that has swept the globe in 2011, as a sign of “the end.” Also, do not allow yourself to be bewitched by the Neo-60’s rhetoric and Marxist theories of pseudo-revolutionaries rockin’ Che Guevara T-shirts.

In Matthew 24:1-8, Jesus made it plain that the wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes our world is presently experiencing is merely the “beginning of sorrows.”Those in power are not banking on the local police forces of the United States to contain mass civil disobedience and violence. The nullification of the U.S Constitution, and the establishment of executive orders, senate bills, laws and concentration camps over the last 40 years alone can prove that. The #OWS movement doesn’t scare the elite, it actually plays into their hands, and helps accelerate “THEIR CAUSE” — which is nothing less than absolute control!!!

I’m not an alarmist, nor am I a fear-monger, I’m simply a realist who understands that loving Jesus doesn’t mean I have to bury my head in the sand and “play church!!!” WAKE UP!!!