Artist: N’aeem Featured: Production: Kauntent For Flamin’ Productions,Inc Album: Contentment (In Life & Music) Special Edition Purchase: https://newjerusalem.bandcamp.com/track/integrity-before-riches-remix Release Date: 02/09/10 Label: New Jerusaslem Edutainment Hometown: Orlando, FL Website: www.nje.cjb.net Myspace: www.Myspace.com/naeemfl Twitter: www.Twitter.com/newjerusalemedu Youtube: www.Youtube.com/newjerusalemedu Bio/Notes:
Can I count on you? Is question we all hear a lot in most of our lives. Mostly from others who trust us to be faithful in the things we commit ourselves too. But when our morals are involved we sometimes come short of the glory we strive for in our spiritual walk. But hope is not lost and N’aeem shares his heart on his new single “Integrity Before Riches (Remix)” that should resonate within us all and cause our minds to change towards the integrity we show towards YAH and one another. Because we must learn how to put his will and his way before our own.
DJ’s, for the Beat & Vocals please send your request to: Media@nje.cjb.net