“I really love Jesus. I really love music. I love to inspire people and believe that I do that by being authentic and transparent.”

In mid-March, Mason released an EP called Seek Life, her first project since 2016. Having been inspired to write about her own experiences and emotions, she gives the songs an open, transparent feel.

“I was at a place where I felt like I was dry as far as my pursuit for God.”

Mason said that she was in a dark place, struggling to believe that God loved her.

“I was struggling with depression, anxiety, and worry. Seek Life was me writing out that journey.”

Each of the songs are based around conversations Mason has had with the Lord, which she chose to share with the public in an effort to encourage and uplift listeners.

Seek Life’s introductory song is called “The Conversation.” “A lot of the conversations I had to have with God were very challenging. I had to address the pain and fears that were locked away in my heart.”

The EP continues with “Whirlwind,” sharing her experiences at very low points.

“I’m in those moments where I’m in the bed and I don’t wanna wake up. I don’t wanna go throughout my day.”

She believes that God was present in this point she likened to a trench, telling her, “I see you. I want you. You don’t have to hide. You don’t have to run.”

In, “Talks with Loneliness” Erica Mason speaks about how she practiced self-isolation. She considered, “God, I know You want me to pursue You, but it’s hard to pursue You when You’re not physically present with me. It’s hard whenever I feel lonely to get up and pray and do all these things.”

Her depression was severely limiting.

“I couldn’t really do the things that I needed to do… self-care: getting out of the bed, exercising, praying. I just wasn’t able to do those things.”

Mason came to a point where she knew she could no longer let depression consume her. Seek Life’s final song, “Wake Up Call,” speaks in depth about what happened. “I start addressing the issues that I see within myself and bringing them into alignment with what God says about us.”

She believes that God responded to her a new perspective, reminding her of His constant love and presence.

Follow Erica Mason on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Get Seek Life on iTunes, Amazon, or Google Play. Stream it on Spotify.

Editor’s Note: If you are experiencing depression, severe or otherwise, we highly recommend you seek professional help: speak with a licensed counselor and visit a doctor. Depression is more than feeling down when life is hard. When facing depression, the brain does not function properly, making the person more dispensed to sadness, negative thoughts, lack of motivation, physical fatigue, and more. It is a mental illness and stigma has no place in barring people from seeking treatment. If necessary as diagnosed, medicine can be prescribed by a psychiatrist which reduces the effects of depression, like how a person would receive medicine from a doctor for any other type of illness.

Learn from WebMD about how to recognize depression and what steps you should take if you are experiencing depression.