{audio autostart}cantonjones-in_da_club{/audio}
Artist: Canton Jones
Album: Dominionaire
Release Date: February 2011
Label: CaJo International
Hometown: ATL
Bio/Notes: If you missed the interview or the edited interview where Canton Jones shared his heart, it is gone. I will say that this track truly showed the real from the not so real people of FAITH !!

                    If you truly dont know the heart of Canton Jones whether you like his music or not, WHY BOTHER COMMENTING, especially if your comment is negative when it deals  with your so called biblical knowledge.

                     I refuse to quote scriptures because everyone seems to have a scripture 2 support their cause. I rather just stick 2 the oldest method in the bible which calls 4 us 2 just PRAY! Not only for Canton Jones, but for yourself that reads this note and me,DaSouth and us all.

                       God will still get the Glory through this song and God is still in Control !!

                       DJ Will