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The owners of, have branched off into a new and exciting frontier. From music to Fashion. This Fall 2012 will be the coming out of Raise Your Standard Apparel. The name of the company speaks volumes within itself. We wanted to create a brand that is a banner for our faith that ANYONE can wear. Our hope is that our designs not only uplift and encourage those that are wearing it, but also sparks healthy conversations about a personal relationship with God with those who inquire.

Fashion, just like music, is one of the most popular mediums 

available to this generation to share the truth about Christ. Using our designs, we want to inject into the culture a campaign that charges this generation to live a higher quality of life. We can become easily influenced by the self-serving standards of this world without a strong foundation to weigh against it. We believe in one standard established by God through his son Jesus Christ. 

A steadfast pursuit of a higher standard in todays culture is the basis of ‘RAISE YOUR STANDARD APPAREL ‘