
Firstly, the focus of this article is not to condemn anyone who has made the decision to abort a child. I’ll leave that between said person, God and conscience. This “RED FLAG” is about the business of abortion, our collective moral decline as a nation, and our love for a dollar above our fellow human beings.

The following article is about an abortion “discount” that is good until May 2012. Read article here.

After reading and verifying the validity of the article, I feel no need to write much more. If it is necessary for me to “persuade” you to “feel a way” about a practice such as this taking place, it would imply that you were incapable of “feeling” such a way on your own. The need for me to labor intensely over several paragraphs and pages appealing to your intellect and ability to reason would simply bare witness to your hardened conscience.

So neighbor, I simply leave you with this:

  • American soldiers killed in Iraq over the last 8/9 years, about 4,500
  • American babies killed in U.S 2003-2008— approx. 5,006,894— #GOOGLE IT!!!

Much can be said about a mother’s womb becoming more dangerous than actually engaging in war. All I know is — YOU CAN’T BLAME IT ON RAP MUSIC!!!