“I study rap, I study music. I come up with unique ways that I feel would be dope… I do what I feel fits me… I think as an artist, if you don’t love it, you ain’t gonna want to do it, so I just try to love it. I just try to do what I love and what inspires me.”

Fedel had a difficult childhood, saying some of the central parts of it were “Me growing up around the Gospel, but never really accepting the Gospel, seeing my parents split, seeing my home fall apart, even thought that home was supposed to be a Christian home, was really humbling.”

His father was a pastor, so he has been around the church since his youth, but he also grew up in streets. “I grew up around Christianity; it didn’t mean I was a Christian… I saw a lot of rough things in the church, so I was turned off by Jesus, by Christianity.” When he was young, one of the things that always kept him grounded was his hope in Jesus. Through seeing the failures of others in his youth, he understood that no one is perfect.