I am a huge football fan.

Like really big.

Like in high school and college, I would paint my face, dye my hair, and scream at the top of my lungs at the opposing teams and refs all while cheering on my home squad.

That’s just me.

So you can imagine how excited I get every year when the Super Bowl comes around. It is the zenith of the season where everything comes together and everyone joins in.

Typically, what I am not excited for is the half-time show. The reason why the show even exists is to draw in the casual crowd who may only be watching the game to hang out with friends.

Some years the NFL hits a home run with the musicians that they bring in. Other years, it’s a flop of epic proportions.

This year, I wasn’t too excited about who they had on stage. Now I don’t mean any hate towards Katy Perry, but her music just isn’t my taste. But like any good Super Bowl party, we kept the TV’s locked in, and I watched parts of her performance. I thought she had some dope pieces in there like the huge lion or tiger that she rode in was pretty cool, and of course, who can forget about the meme-making “left shark” that has kept us smirking since that performance.

But what really caught my attention is what she said in an interview after the performance.

She said that God spoke to her.

And that while speaking, He told her, “Don’t worry, you got this.” And then when she was about to take the field, some tech told her, “Don’t worry, you got this.” She then felt as if God was affirming what He said to her earlier through this tech guy.

Since then, the Christian world has gone upside down calling what she said blasphemy and that God would never speak to a heathen like her.

Now I am not here to defend Katy or even confirm that in fact it was God that spoke to her. It could have in fact been gas or someone in her monitors.

I am here to appeal to believers to hopefully create some healthy conversation about all of this.

First, I don’t know whether or not God spoke to her. And honestly, it’s not my place to judge. And neither is it yours.

We all know Katy’s background. Her parents are evangelical pastors, raised her in the church, and she “turned her back” (whatever that means) on Jesus to pursue this life style that glorifies the illuminati and is a servant of Satan. (seriously, people say that about this girl)

But, what I do know is that before her halftime performance, she tweeted out a passage of scripture from Psalms 118:24 to all 64.9 million of her followers, which states, “This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

That tells me that 64.9 million people may have heard from God’s word for the very first time.

That’s huge.

Now, I know I may get hate and all that thrown at me because it’s always easier to flex muscles online than to have a healthy conversation about things, but here’s what I think about all of this.

What if God did speak to her?

I mean, can’t God speak to who He wants to speak to?

Didn’t He speak to a murderer in Moses?

Didn’t He use an adulterer in David?

Didn’t He call a man who was a terrorist in Saul to be His chosen messenger to the gentiles?

Before you start looking at what Katy has done, look at what the men above did before God was able to change their lives and transform them.

So, if God was able to use these men, I think that He can definitely use Katy Perry.

Who knows what God is doing in her life? Who knows if God is allowing her this 64.9 million person platform to one day tell them all about how God has transformed her?

That day may or may not ever come, but I tell you one thing, I’m not giving up hope on her and neither should you. Want to know why?

Romans 5, specifically verses 6-8, “You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

God redeemed sinners like you and me. If He can do that, why can’t He redeem Katy? I believe that He can, and I will not give up hope on her and will continue to pray for her. Now, I am not saying that she is the next great pastor or evangelist because I do not know, but I do know that God wants me to love her and pray for her.

After all, isn’t that the mission of the Gospel?

And remember, before you go judging her, get the plank out of your eye.

By the way, how does Pete Carroll NOT give the ball to Marshawn Lynch from the half-yard line?


What’s your take?