One Hope is an international ministry that presents the redemptive story of Christ to the youth around the globe using age specific and contextualized programs. In 2013, they partnered with an estimated 100,000 churches to engage 93 million youth with Scripture.

CTF Records is an up and coming label that has produced two of the hottest free albums of 2014: Finally by Oscar Urbina and Off Season by Serge.

Together, they have created one of the most innovative and engaging programs through the means of scripture for inner city youth.

CTF Records is excited to present Rebranded!

Rebranded is a multimedia program and full-length album that depicts 9 biblical stories through the combination of high quality animated videos and storytelling rap songs by talented recording artists. Each animated video is accompanied by an insightful lesson in the teacher’s guide and a heartfelt testimony video. Rebranded is designed to introduce the youth to the Gospel and teach them the truth that God is their Father through messages of purpose, unconditional love, and hope for the future.

Click on the button below to receive the free multimedia curriculum, which will include the 9-week study written by John Onwuchekwa and the 9 animated/testimonial videos hosted by Serge.

Get The Curriculum Here

RELATED: Serge At City Lights [Performance Video]