{audio autostart}MrdbC-GiveYouMyAll{/audio} |
Artist: Mr. dbC Featured: Production: Takers Entertainment Album: Purchase: Release Date: Label: Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale, FL Website: https://www.takersent.com/mrdbc Bio/Notes: “One night I was driving home & I started to feel paranoid, scared, & alone all in the same feeling… All of sudden something told me to flip my car & attempt to kill myself… It was at that moment where I felt I needed GOD more than ever… I immediately went home after talking with a label mate & close friend, I prayed to GOD for a few hours asking him to take everything back from me… I knew I could no longer run from GOD…” Mr. dbC explains. That same night dbC gave everything back to Christ, rededicated his life & began living for Christ again. Upon giving his life back to Christ, at age 22, his focus changed from success, money, power, and women to serving GOD and ministering the Gospel…. To finish reading this bio & learn more about Mr. dbC visit his Official Website at https://www.mrdbc.com/ or visit the Takers Entertainment Official Website at https://www.takersent.com/ |