{audio autostart}genesiz-Ride_or_Die_feat_The_Gospel_Gangstaz{/audio}
Artist: Genesiz
Featured: The Gospel Gangstaz
Production: Dub Edition Productions
Album: Redemption
Purchase: itunes
Release Date: February 2nd 2010
Label: Commission Music Group
Hometown: Sydney, Australia

Hailing from West Sydney, Australia, Genesiz comes as a breath of fresh air in today’s Holy Hip Hop scene.
Highly respected in both the Australian & American music industries respectively, Genesiz has been blessed to minister with & alongside the likes of The Gospel Gangstaz, Lecrae, Tedashii, Sevin, Minister RMB, Iz-Real (from Everyday Process), Youth Alive, Bikers for Christ, Your Dream ministries & several others.

Genesiz has also been instrumental in bringing change into lives through his faith in God and testimony of redemption.
“Genesiz is all about being authentic. His music is evident of his passion for Christ. He has a servant’s heart and always puts others before himself” states Minister RMB when prompted on his thoughts of the Australian rapper.

But the road to redemption was not easily travelled.
Born the son of a pastor, Genesiz learnt quickly that following God was an individual journey, one he forsook in his teens.
But in 2001, Genesiz came to a place of hopelessness. With no one else to turn to, he looked to God. His life redeemed, Genesiz took a 180 and began a new chapter.
Several years later, he lost two close friends to cancer & suicide within 5 weeks of each other. Inspired by the life of one, & saddened by the loss of the other, Genesiz began “The Commission” – a hip hop outreach ministry.

“I just felt like my life was created for so much more than living to retire. I was challenged to create a legacy with my life and to do something with my life that could have eternal effects. So my focus had to shift from me, to others” says Genesiz.
Since its foundation, The Commission has seen hundreds of decisions to follow Christ through their outreaches & events. Using their God given platform, their goal always remains the same – to let the world meet Christ through their lives and music ministry.

“The Commission is an extraordinary ministry that not only does incredible work for the Australian people, but for communities around the world” notes Sevin, founder of HOG MOB. “They have been a great partner to HOG MOB ministries in America for years. I look forward to seeing how God will use Genesiz & The Commission in the future.”
And the future has begun.

On February 6th 2K10, Genesiz released his highly anticipated debut album “Redemption” to much acclaim. Featuring Protege, The Gospel Gangstaz, Sevin, The Commission & Maybelle Galuvao, the album was recieved with high regard and has quickly caused a stir in Australia & throughout the globe.
“Redemption” has a little bit of everything stylistically – from Club anthems, to R&B jams…from hardcore g-funk, through to reggae worship.
It uniquely tells Genesiz story…a story of violence, hate, salvation & redemption…all pointing the listener in one direction…God.

“I hope my life is not a waste…I hope to end my life having allowed Christ to live through me as He intended…and not waste my life in the pursuit of selfish gain. God is not sustaining my breath to give me more time to build my own personal kingdom and riches” states Genesiz.
“We must live to build His Kingdom…otherwise, we are wasting our lives”.
And so the legacy continues…