{audio}noblevessel-everydayiwake{/audio} |
Noble is a young man from the West bank of New Orleans committed to advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through his musical expression and his life. An avid fan and participant in hip-hop culture since the age of 12 it wasn’t untilĀ he turned 20, two years after his conversion to Christianity, that he began to utilize it as a medium to present the Gospel. Since that time he has made guest appearances on the albums of artists such as Jacob Izrael (Seed of Abraham), A1- Bold (The Sacramento Fontaine Mixtape), and SaeLah Poet-Suroh (The Lighthouse LP). Projects to his credit include the FREE albums “Life Music: Low Budget Mixtape Vol. 1” and “Vol. 2 “respectively. Noble is currently working on his first professional project entitled “The Life Music LP” which is due out some time in 2009. Website: www.myspace.com/noblevessel Phone: 504-508-0650 e-mail: noblevessel@yahoo.com |